It’s no secret that running your website on a CMS (Content Management System) like. WordPress or Drupal comes with the add responsibility of CMS and plugin maintenance. In this blog, I will go over what security updates. Why it’s important to keep your CMS and plugins update as often as possible to protect your website. What are security updates? WordPress and Drupal are both consider open-source CMS software. That means that their software’s codebase is freely available and distribute to the public so that developers can contribute to its source code and modify it. Since the software’s code is free and accessible, it leaves it vulnerable to being compromise.
Hackers will sometimes
Exploit loopholes in the code to insert malicious attacks. No need to panic though, because both WordPress and Drupal have dedicate teams that stay on top of these issues and release new version updates whenever these loopholes in the code have been found and fix. These are call “Security” updates, and they should be Canadian CEO Email Lists implement as soon as possible after they’ve been release. WordPress plugins (or Modules in Drupal) are open-source code and most of them are create by third-party developers. Therefore, just like your CMS’ software code, it can be just as easily (and in some cases more easily) exploite for loopholes and attacks.
Most plugins don’t have
A full development team behind them working around the clock to fix any security vulnerabilities. So plugins are often the source of a website hack. Because of this, you should try and keep plugins on your site to a minimum and keep them update as often as possible. Always check the plugin’s last update date before installing it; if the plugin CZ Leads hasn’t been maintain within the last year, it would probably be wise to stay away from it. The date of the plugin’s last update can be found on the plugin install page. How do I know when my CMS or plugins need an update, and how do I run them? The method for running updates on your website depends on which CMS you are using. For WordPress, most updates can be done via the Dashboard area of your site.