How Apple’s iOS 14 Updates May Impact Your Facebook Ads

Recently, Apple announced some major changes with their iOS 14 operating system that impact how Facebook receives and processes data about users on Apple devices. If you’re running Facebook or Instagram ads, you’ll want to understand how these updates may impact your ad performance and reporting. For years, digital advertising platforms have leveraged robust user data to deliver hyper-personalized ads to users as they browse the web. Facebook might be the best (and worst) example of this, with their data collection to blame for a number of privacy scandals. Over the last few months, a growing push for consumer privacy has led major industry players to implement new policies that limit this data collection.

How will my Facebook/Instagram ads be affected?

Apple’s policy will prohibit certain data collection and sharing unless users opt into tracking on their iOS 14 devices. Apps available in the App Store must show a prompt to iOS 14 users that allows them to “allow” or “reject” tracking for the purpose of personalized advertising. When people opt out of tracking on iOS 14 devices, ads personalization and performance reporting will be limited. But what does this mean for your ad account? Audience sizes may decrease Facebook audiences are built on user behaviour data, and the latest iOS 14 updates may reduce the amount of data Facebook is able to collect.

Less data unfortunately means

Lower quality audiences for ad targeting. As a result, advertisers may need to define their audiences more broadly to achieve the same reach and results that they were achieving before the iOS update. Remarketing audiences could be heavily impacted as iOS users who have opted out of tracking can no longer be targeted based on past visits to your website or app. New limit on web events “Events” are actions taken on your website, like a click to call your business. Events can signal how well your ads are performing. At Ontario SEO, we use event tracking to assess which ads and targeting methods are performing well, so we can continually refine our clients’ strategies to achieve the best results at the lowest cost.

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