Keys to the B2C Electronic Commerce Study Edition

Like every year, professionals in the sector wait for the study on Electronic Commerce in Spain, prepared by ONTSI. Its indicators together with our own sensations help us draw Keys to the B2C conclusions and make decisions. and ONTSI For those who do not know, is a public entity attached to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce that seeks to promote the development of the information society in Spain. Through ONTSI, the National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society, regularly publishes a study of the evolution of the use of ICT in Spanish homes, placing special emphasis on the measurement of a series of parameters that They allow you to observe the behavior of B2C e-commerce and identify trends.

In this scenario, the most relevant data on B2C e-commerce

. The increase in the number of Internet users, those among them who are encouraged to buy online and the increase in the activity of those who were already buying with an increase in average spending, are some of the variables that contribute to this upward trend. The keys to ecommerce in 2016 It is interesting to follow year after year how the profile of the Internet user and their habits evolve. There are many Belize Mobile Number Database ways to reach your target audience, and the use of social networks at a business level allows you to take advantage of the segmentation power they offer. The buyer profile does not change much. Between 25 to 49 years old, with secondary or university studies with a medium/high economic level and residence in towns with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Male to a greater extent.

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We increasingly rely on user opinions and make price comparisons

Regarding payment methods, the credit card is the main one, followed by Paypal. However, the cash on delivery goes down . According to the study, mobile payment is not picking up pace. Buyer behavior and trust Trust is a key factor for growth that can be seen. It has taken a lot to overcome resistance to the use of payment methods. Websites but, today, although Internet users are aware. The risks, they are no longer Qatar Phone Number List hostages. Their own ignorance and have started to take advantage of the services that ecommerce offers. Some indicators say the following: Mobile purchasing is increasing. Although users only make a quarter of their purchases through that device. 16.9% declare having had problems with a purchase. The number of buyers who have returned a product increases.

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