How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Platform

One of the most important decisions in developing an online store is the CMS you are going to use. You need to know how to choose the best ecommerce platform . It is not a simple decision because it depends on a series of current and future factors that are not easy to evaluate. The options are many. To do a good analysis we have to study the functionalities that each one offers us and see how they adapt to the needs of our future store. We must inform ourselves about the complexity of the CMS, license and maintenance prices, its scalability, security, installed base… This is the first of a series of three articles with which we will try to guide you. Are these: Factors to consider when choosing an ecommerce platform for your store Ecommerce comparison. Advantages and disadvantages of a selection of the most used Conclusions .

Affect economic and competency resources

Factors related to the DIMENSION of the ecommerce • Factors related to the FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS of the ecommerce In the next section we will talk about some of the most important factors to wisely choose the appropriate e-commerce platform for each project. Factors related to the Phase Phase of the project you are in If your project is in a very incipient phase, you may want to start by testing the acceptance and demand of a family of products Argentina Mobile Number Database  in the market with a store that allows you to test the minimum viable product. A more advanced phase occurs in those cases where you already have a physical store, you know your product and you simply want to open this new channel .

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Each of these scenarios brings you closer to a type of solution

Factors related to the Ecommerce Dimension Current and future. Catalog size The size of the catalog of your online store. Both the current one and the one you estimate it may reach in the medium term. Push you towards one platform or another. There are companies that market a few products, maybe five or ten, and they are not going to grow. That opens up the options. If you project that the catalog will reach 2,500 or 3,000 products. Not all CMS offer you the same ease of management. Current traffic or China Phone Number List volume of visits and expected projection The traffic that your online store will receive should also be a determining factor. If you have just started in the world of ecommerce you will not have the slightest idea of ​​what traffic you can get.

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