Online Reputation Crisis: What it is and how to manage it

In the previous post we talked to you about online reputation and why it is important to monitor and take care of it. But not even the most careful person is free from suffering a crisis in their brand’s online reputation . You want to know more? Keep reading… What is an online reputation crisis We call an online reputation crisis the loss of credibility suffered by a brand’s image, produced by content that has been generated and disseminated on the Internet. How a brand’s online reputation crisis is generated A digital reputation crisis can start in many different ways, but it almost always occurs unexpectedly. It can be caused by, for example, a specific incident with a client, or an ill-advised comment on social networks. Sometimes it is aggravated by poor management from the company itself.

In some cases they are direct references from users

Social networks , in the comments on the Google My Business listing , or in specialized forums . Normally they have little impact, but there are cases that spread quickly. They can also be reflect in the publication of blog posts , which if they reach good positioning for search terms that include the brand name, become a big problem (see the case of Dodot, below). The same happens when it comes to appearances in the digital press , whose media have websites with a lot of authority and position themselves easily. In these cases, we can say that we are facing an online reputation EL Salvador Mobile Number Database crisis . If we do not resolve the crisis quickly , the spe with which certain news spreads on social networks can mean that a large volume of negative content against the brand is generat , which becomes increasingly difficult to counteract.

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Consequences of reputation crises The loss of credibility

Generated by an online reputation crisis impacts the consumer’s. Perception of the brand and can seriously affect the company’s sales and results. In the cases of well-known brands, hashtags are generat that help dissemination. But in smaller or even local businesses. The consequences can also be very serious and of the same type: loss of customers and sales . That is why it is so important to react as soon as possible to. Give an Latvia Phone Number List adequate and agile. Response , whether you are big or small. How to manage a digital reputation crisis Our response must coordinate various actions. Depending on the importance of the incident , the level of public relevance of the brand and the affected digital marketing channels (social networks, media, posts…) Official announcement If it is a major incident , it may be necessary to issue an official statement and give it appropriate dissemination.

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