How to Apply a Topic Centered Keyword Research Strategy Now


I am not saying to neglect the traditional keyword approach to research. The core topics you are focused on will likely still be derived from those high volume, high commercial intent keywords. But don’t neglect the smaller volume related keywords either. Identify the Topics You are Going to Focus On The first step in developing an effective search-engine-optimized content strategy is selecting the topics you are going to focus on. These should be something that directly relates to your business and you know a lot about. Once you have your overarching topic you can dive deeper into a more traditional approach to keyword research.  What are Users Searching for and What is Their Intent? Making sure that you create content that matches the intent of the user’s search is imperative to improve the rate users click-through to your website.

Enter your content topic into a keyword

Research tool and see what comes up. Split these keywords out into categories based on the user’s intent; is the search transactional, informational, or navigational? Once you know the user’s intent you can plan what type of content is needed to satisfy this query. Pro Tip: Don’t forget about other forms of media. Be sure to enter the query you are General Manager Email List interested in into.  Google and see what comes up. There is no point in creating a long form blog if the featured snippet is held by a short video clip. Develop Content to Build Brand Authority.  The more high-quality and user-friendly content you have related to your core topic the more authority you will demonstrate for that topic as a brand.


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Build your credibility by referencing factual

Data such as statistics or research results or providing client testimonials or user reviews. The more you can back up your claims with data. The more likely it is that people will trust what you are saying. This will increase user engagement with your website content. Show what you know and make your brand stand out by demonstrating you are CZ Leads expert in your field. When it comes time for a user to make a purchase or request a quote you will be top of mind as a credible and knowledgeable source. Make Your Brand Stand Out by Occupying the Spaces.  Your Competitors Are Not It can be tempting to go after the high-volume and highly competitive keywords that all your competitors are also targeting. But lower volume keywords at times can have more transactional intent and less competition on the SERP.

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