Duplicate Content in Ecommerce; How to solve it

If you’ve read this article, I assume you already know that duplicate content is detrimental to your site’s ranking. And you also know that within the design of an online store , duplicate content is inevitable. So let’s see how we can solve it. And if you didn’t know, well, you can take a leap of faith and continue reading, because I would be very excited to have acolytes. In any case, at the end of the article you will see the light. There are endless cases in which a virtual store duplicates content and it is not a mistake, let’s take a look at them. Case 0 – Duplicate content copied from the manufacturer’s site or others. The truth is that I have incorporated this case a posteriori, because initially I had not even included it because it was obvious.

Solution But man of God, take care of it a little!! Take more photos

This results in different pages with the same title, goals and content, and with a list of products that are Pakistan Mobile Number Database the same with different ordering or a restricted set of them. That is, for the search engine it is  duplicate content. Solution: Url parameters in Search Console and use of Robots.txt Step 1. – Configure Url Parameters in Search Console By speaking clearly, people understand each other. Simply tell Google that your site has those filters and sorts and how you want it to treat them. url search console parameters Go to Google Search Console, formerly Webmaster tools, and in the Tracking section enter URL Parameters . You probably already have a list of parameters there that it detected when crawling your site. Because all these filters and sorts are in the form of parameters.

Phone Number List

The parameters depend on your cms and the attributes you filter

They can be You will have to find out what parameters your store uses and what they are for, it is not difficult. This way you can tell Google what to do when it finds each one. For example, if the order parameter indicates how the products will be ordered, edit it and configure it as in the following image. This is how UK Phone Number List you tell it that it is used to sort and that it is not necessary to index each different ordering of the same content. Editing url parameters Step 2. – Block access in Robots.txt Google is not the only search engine, although it is the priority for us. To prevent any bot from wasting time on these types of pages with parameters, we can say in the robots.

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