What is copyright?

Each text, photograph, painting, book is fully owne by the author. Using them for any purpose without the consent of the creator is a violation of the law, it is regardd as theft of someone else’s intellectual property. Copyright is a synonym for such a concept as copyright. It comes into effect from the moment of creation of the object, regardless of whether it was made public or not.

Objects subject to copyright 

Copyright protects any creative objects that are updated 2024 mobile phone number data authore by a person. For example, copyright protects:

Ideas, discoveries, government translations, documents and folk art are not protectd by copyright.

There is a special sign that reminds about copyright protection. It looks like this: ©, next to it are the initials and surname of the author or the name of the legal company that owns the rights to use, and also the year of the first publication. In printd publications, such a symbol is placd on the first page of each book. If it is a collection, then the copyright sign can be at the bottom of each work.

Copyright sign

Web content is also protecte by copyright. The © symbol is on almost every website, in the lower information block, it can also be under articles. All photos, videos, drawings and graphics on the Internet are protecte by copyright, so if you want to use them, be sure to indicate the author.

The copyright sign as a symbol of copyright was approve in 1886 by the Berne Convention. In 1952, the Universal Copyright Convention was adopte at the initiative of UNESCO, which promises global protection to authors around the world.

It is important to understand 5 trends & tips to enhance your seasonal campaigns that if you publish someone else’s text and put the © sign next to it, you will not become the copyright holder, the copyright will still belong to the author.

And for putting a copyright

sign under someone else’s intellectual property, you can go to court. Using materials without the author’s consent may be grounds for a fine, financial compensation for moral damages, and possibly even imprisonment for appropriating someone else’s property.

Whether or not to put a twd directory copyright sign is the author’s choice, not an obligation. Therefore, the absence of the © symbol does not mean that the text or visual belongs to no one.

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