Take a Topic Centered Approach to Keyword Research


The world of SEO is changing with a shift in focus from singular keywords to content topics. As the search engines utilize more advanced machine learning technologies, we as digital marketers are challenged to update our strategies and tactics. Google has been working towards creating a better experience for the searcher, and as a result. Is much better at ranking content that is user-friendly and directly relevant to the users’ query higher in the results. This means the search engine is more focused on the intent of the query rather than just the keywords in it.

Search Volume Does

The goal of a strong SEO strategy is not just increasing page ranking and website traffic, but also improving sales and leads. Sometimes the highest volume singular keywords do not have the best potential for conversion. By taking a Partners Email Lists topic centered approach to your keyword research you are better able to connect with customers across their entire consumer journey. The Importance of Topic Clusters for Keyword Research Google is getting smarter every day. We can see from the changing Search Engine Results Page (SERP) features such as “People also ask” and “Related Searches” that google is much better at determining how search terms are related to each other.


C Level Executive List

Not Always Equal Leads

Google is also better at predicting what a user may be looking for and showing related results. For example, if a user is interested in topic A they are likely also interested in topic B. When you apply a topic centered keyword research  CZ Leads approach you can make sure you are visible for more queries your user may have. It is all about showing your expertise. Think about it, users are looking for answers online every day. People want answers from credible sources that are experts on the topic they have searched. Demonstrate your depth of expertise by creating high quality content that will answer your potential customers’ questions.

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