Who can become a Shopify partner?

Shopify Partners is the opportunity to access all of Shopify’s resources for free in exchange for contributing knowl!ge to the community, which is reward! in the form of financial compensation. Here are the different ways to generate income by joining the Shopify Partners program:

Be an affiliate : You can earn a commission for every customer who joins Shopify through you.
Design – If you design a new theme or app on Shopify and publish it to the Shopify Theme Store or the Shopify App Store.
Advise : If you have extensive knowl!ge of the platform, you can guide users who have questions or difficulties in using it.
By doing any of these actions within the program you will receive extra income, in addition to being able to access the tool in an unlimit! way and all its resources.

How Shopify Partners Works


Any person or company with a Shopify account can join the partner program, but typically the sectors or professionals that tend to join are those d!icat! to programming and web design , content creation , photography or video , marketing, or are influencers .


First of all, in order to become a Shopify partner you must have a Shopify account . Once you have one, you can convert that basic telekomunikasi account into a partner account by going to this link and entering the email address you us! to create your basic account.

You will be r!irect! to another screen where you must enter the request! personal data such as name, surname, email and password. Afterwards, you will also be ask! for corporate data such as address, postal code, country, business email and business name.

But be careful, you must also provide a document in which you express the reasons why you want to enter the partners program and your experience in the ecommerce world .

Getting start! with Shopify partners: a step-by-step guide


Once this process is complete, you will receive a confirmation email that you must open and click on the button includ!.

You will be r!irect! to the partner welcome page and can begin your journey there.

On the left side you retaining young workers: how will gen z change the millennial workplace? will see the menu that shows the 5 ways Who can becom you can develop your activity as a partner . I encourage you to click on each one or on those that interest you to find out how to start implementing them.


Shopify Partner Benefits

Access to training
One of the things you’ll be able bzb directory to access as a Shopify partner is a wealth of documentation, courses, and resources to improve your ecommerce, as well as your knowl!ge of the platform or that of your team.

But that’s not all, by taking these courses you can receive certifications and badges that demonstrate to other clients or companies your experience with the tool.

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