Understanding Virtual Machines, How They Work, Benefits and Types

Understanding virtual machines – Because of the rapid development of information technology in the world, currently many real things have virtual versions, in virtual digital form. Like a virtual machine that can create virtualization of a real physical machine.

Maybe you imagine virtual machines such as virtual cars in cyberspace, digital household appliances or even special carpentry machines in digital form? It could be like that, but this time we will discuss virtual machines in the form of computer operating systems. Want to know more about virtual machines? Let’s discuss starting from the definition of virtual machines first. letsgooo!

What is a Virtual Machine?

The virtual machine discussed this time has the meaning of a machine, computer or device that runs and functions normally on a real machine, computer or hardware. So, you will feel like you have two computers in one real computer.

Still confused? In short, by using a virtual machine you can have Android, MacOS or Windows in a device at the same time. Of course, it has b recent mobile phone number list een well designed so that the machines operate smoothly in one device.

Virtual machines require real resources in the form of CPU, GPU, RAM or internal memory used from the main physical device. However, it has been designed in such a way that it can share resources without disrupting the performance of the main physical machine.

Cara Kerja Virtual Machine

The way virtual machines work is simply by creating a virtual machine on the main computer, the virtual machine will create virtual hardware in the system that allows its users to access the benefits of a duplicate machine without having to have the hardware or physical machine, in this case will save a lot of costs.

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With advantages or capabilities like this, it is possible for virtual machines to create many computers in 1 main computer that can be shared with virtual machine users. Of course, in this way we can maximize the use of the machine, but it must be remembered that the way virtual machines work duplicating virtual hardware that exists on the main computer (OS base) will have an impact on the use of space and the ability of the main computer, this causes physical resources on the computer to be divided among each virtual machine user.

Functions or Uses of Virtual Machines

The following are examples of the use of virtual machines in real life:

Building and deploying applications to the cloud, such as VPS service providers.
Try a new operating system, without having to reinstall the main operating system.
Facilitates the creation of a working environment in cross-operating system software development.
Ease of moving OS settings from one povećajte svoju bazu kupaca virtual machine to another virtual machine software.
Running old apps by installing an older OS.
Running or trying software on different operating systems on one computer.
Mаnfаat Virtuаl Machine
With the virtual machine function or virtual machine function that I mentioned above, of course it brings benefits to virtual machine users such as:

Agility and Speed
It’s easy, fast and much simpler than providing new physical infrastructure for developers. Virtualization makes the process of running dev-test scenarios much faster.

Cost Savings

Running multiple virtual operating systems from a single computer can drastically reduce hardware purchases. This increases profitability and reduces the need to maintain nearly the same number of servers, saving on maintenance and electricity costs.

Lower Downtime
VMs are highly portable and can be easily moved from one virtual machine to another on different machines, meaning virtual machines are a great backup solution, in case the host goes down unexpectedly.

Security Benefits

Because virtual machines run on multiple operating systems, using a guest operating system (GUOS) on a VM allows you to run applications with.

questionable security and protect your host operating system. VMs also enable better security forensics, and are often used to safely study computer viruses, isolating viruses to avoid major computer risks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Machines
From the previous explanations, it can be concluded that there are many advantages to using a virtual machine system and process. But make no mistake, there are always disadvantages behind the advantages. The following will explain some of the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of virtual machines are as follows:

There is a recovery system that can restore damage to the running operating system.
Easier to maintain and repair.
Can support all forms of operating systems.

meaning that Linux or MacOS operating systems can run even though the host uses the Windows operating system.
Meanwhile, the disadvantages are as follows:

Requires very high physical device specifications, especially if you want to run many systems on a single host.
The operating system is slower compared to the operating system on a physical device.
It’s a Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine System
This type of virtual machine is usually used by people whose work involves a lot of different operating systems. So that switching or running two operating systems can be done in just one device.

This can be done easily and also saves costs.

The role of the hypervisor is very central in this type. Hypervisor is able to organize and manage resource sharing, so it can determine whether the virtual machine.

can run on hardware or within its host operating system.

The more sophisticated the hypervisor, the better its ability to manage resource sharing. this must be balanced with hardware sp acomplete list of unit phone numbers ecifications that are also very capable in order to run virtual machines.

Prосеѕѕ Virtual Machine
This type is usually called Managed Runtime Environment. This type is used for a program’s workplace that carries out certain commands in a virtual machine. This process is clearly different from the virtual machine system.

This type just looks like a normal application that runs a command or a process. This process has a high abstraction with high-level programming.

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