contact name: Todd Doze
contact job function details: ceo
contact job function:
contact job title: President and CEO
contact job seniority: c_suite
contact person city: Fort Worth
contact person state: Texas
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code:
business name: Healthcare Payment Specialists, LLC
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
canada mobile phone numbers database
business angellist:
business found year: 2002
business city: Fort Worth
business zip code: 76102
business state: Texas
business country: United States
business language: English
business employee: 63
business category: finance
business specialty: medicare disproportionate share review, medicare bad debt review, consulting & saas, hospital revenue cycle integrity, transfer drg review, stingray saas, complex drg review, reimbursement analytics, medicare disproportionate share, medicare bad debt, shadow billing compliance, transfer drg, medicare reimbursement, uncompensated care analytics, worksheet s10, medicare bad debtmedicare advantage, volume decrease adjustment, stingray, financial services
business technology: outlook,nginx,manticore,google_analytics,wordpress_org,asp_net,google_font_api,youtube,mobile_friendly
data-driven: the importance of data-driven decisions
business description: Healthcare Payment Specialists offers hospitals STINGRAY, the only web-based revenue intelligence platform that analyzes complex Medicare and Medicaid issues.