Taking extra time to clean and disinfect all areas


We have provided a templated email below that can be revised to meet your company’s requirements. Subject Line: Our Response to COVID-19.   Over the last few weeks, (Your Business Name) has been closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 throughout Canada & The United States and have been following guidance from. World Health Organization and local health authorities to ensure we have the right plans and resources in place to safeguard our staff and client’s health & well-being. During this time of crisis, we are taking steps to ensure we are being proactive with your safety. What we are doing: (Bulleted list with the items to fill in relation to what you are doing as a result of the virus) Example: Daily cleaning procedures.

World Health Organization and local health

Using air purifiers, placing hand sanitizer stations throughout organization.  Minimize physical contact – no handshakes, hugs or any form of physical contact Worker safety. Asking staff to stay home if they are sick, working from home for X days/weeks, etc. What we ask of our valued clients: (Bulleted list with items to communicate to your clients USA Phone Number List and customers).   We ask that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and isolated away from the public.  Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for more than 20 seconds Increase ventilation in your workspace. Home and while driving It is recommended that you have a 14-day food supply at home for you and your family.

Phone Number List

What we ask of our valued clients

The health & safety of our clients and staff is of utmost priority to all of us at. We hope that you stay safe, stay healthy. And if there is anything that we can do to assist you in this global crisis. We are happy to help however we can. Publish COVID-19 Information On.  Your Website Along with the email, it is recommended to CZ Leads  post any important information in relation to your business’ response to COVID-19 on your website. This can be similar or the same as the email above. Publishing this information on a page or a blog to the website will ensure the public has direct. Access to information on COVID-19 as it impacts your company’s procedures.

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