SEO in the 2022 crisis: how to move forward?

Given the pandemic experience, we hoped that 2022 would be a calm and unremarkable year. But circumstances turned out differently. SEO in the 2022 crisis: how to move forward?

It seems that in the entire history of Internet marketing, we have never encountered such dynamic changes. Moreover, it is no secret that it is not so much the current restrictions that are worrying, but their consequences. Accordingly, all decisions must be weighed and carefully considered.

In circumstances of increased risks, marketing expenses are primarily reduced. This is a rational decision, but one should not “cut off the shoulder”.

Organic search results are a stable source of traffic

It would seem that in a crisis, SEO is the number one candidate for reduction, since it cannot show quick results. At first glance, it is easier to direct the budget to available “quick response” channels in order to compensate for the resulting drawdown as quickly as possible. However, it will not be possible to completely compensate for the loss of traffic, since any source has its own demand limit.

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Search engines will continue to exist under any circumstances, which means that there will always be an opportunity to get traffic from the SEO channel. Organic search results remain a reliable tool for attracting the target audience to the site without additional investments in expanding coverage. SEO in the 2022 crisis: how to move forward?

It is especially valuable that in the algeria phone number library conditions of high competition in search results, modern algorithms are aimed at maximum relevance to the user’s request. They satisfy the needs of the client and ensure ease of use of the site. Thus, search results remain a reliable source of traffic with a high rate of both direct and associated conversion.

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Google without contextual advertising

Google left no alternatives to  the Russian market ashop orderhive supports fifo except organic traffic. Disabling contextual advertising in the search engine hit all players: both advertising service providers and their clients. Against the background of serious changes, prompt decisions were required on further actions.

At the same time, the search engine’s target audience did not go to other systems, Google Advertising quick signs channel traffic moved to organic search results.

Ratio of Yandex and Google users. Dynamics for the year

In fact, we can say that in the TOP-10, and even in the TOP-20 of the Google search engine, the visibility indicator has increased, since now we see the real TOP of site search results, without adding advertisements.

Free SEO checklist

Below are examples for two projects. The screenshots show the dynamics of Google organic traffic and Google Advertising.

Dynamics of Google organic and Google Ads traffic 2021 – 2022

Transitions from Google organic and Google Ads January 1 – April 10, 2022

SEO for car dealers and e-commerce
Crisis restrictions have particularly affected automotive and e-commerce sites.

Car dealers are forced to reduce the direction of orders and sales of new cars. In the current circumstances, it is important to focus on the current direction, available services, service, as well as used cars, if such an assortment is available. All work is extremely important to support projects.

The situation is more complicated with e-commerce: many online stores are forced to exist in harsh conditions of product shortages. Here it is necessary to monitor the relevance of information on the site:

Current availability of goods;

Often, there is simply no time for SEO optimization of some sections, since priority is given to more profitable and image-building areas. In conditions of product shortages, there is a need to stimulate sales of less interesting, but affordable products:

accessories lying around in the warehouse;
consumables that are in stock / in excess;
products whose logistics are organized thanks to reliable partners.
Right now you can implement serious changes, implement complex improvements and not be afraid of sharp jumps in the search results. Today, fluctuations will not have a serious impact on sales, but at the end we will get.

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