Pranav Desai Manager, Information Technology

contact name: Pranav Desai
contact job function details: information technology
contact job function: information_technology

contact job title: Manager, Information Technology

contact job seniority: manager

contact person city: Columbia

contact person state: Maryland

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code: 21045

business name: Martek

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

truemoney database

business angellist:

business found year: 1985

business city:

business zip code:

business state:

business country:

business language: English

business employee: 57

henk werkman application specialist epic

business category: biotechnology

business specialty: fermentation, dha, omega3, biotechnology

business technology: csc_corporate_domains,outlook,office_365,adobe_cq

business description: Royal DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials withsolutions that nourish, protect and improveperformance.



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