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Does the infamous marketing ploy have a definition? And should it really feel so bad? We recommend Does black PR really exist? Is there a definition of a marketing ploy? There is no clear, precise, or even scientific definition of a marketing ploy. It can therefore be said that it is a kind of phenomenon, saying or association that certain marketing practices, currently use by specialists, can evoke specific reactions in recipients. Most often it is the purchase of a product or service. Although it is unfair, very often every sales activity is calle a marketing ploy.

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It came from a certain belief that specialists in this industry manipulate the recipients with the help of the message. There are many techniques to convince consumers of the rightness of the purchase. Let us remember, however, that most of these whatsapp mobile number list acts are not devoid of ethics. We recommend Ethics in marketing – does it still exist? a marketing ploy does not mean that the company’s actions are morally suspect Every day, around tens of thousands of consumers, marketing activities take place . What’s more, they are made not only by sellers or service providers, but more and more often by public benefit organizations, associations, foundations and even politicians.

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However, no one then calls it a marketing ploy, because the subject matter is slightly different, perhaps less characteristic. What is fair competition? So let’s think about what our world would be like today if we didn’t receive information about news, promotions CZ Leads and offers on a regular basis. Wouldn’t we like to know that somewhere close to us there is a brand offering products that we have been looking for for so long or base on the values ​​we value? That’s what marketing is for – it’s about informing and offering – not cheating. Has your company fallen victim to unfair competition? We will help you get out of the crisis! Enter your e-mail.

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