Optimize texts for search engines

Every blogger/website operator. Only content that has been prepare accordingly has a chance of being listehigher in the search engines .

If you avoid search engine optimize texts , it may happen that your blog nees much longer to generate traffic from Google & Co. And believe me, the search engines are a really very good source for getting free visitors .

On the other hand, you have to write much better texts to be notice in search queries. Of course, sooner or later the quality of the texts will prevail. But you can definitely spee this up. I’ll show you how to do this in this article.

Table of contents

Prepare search engine optimize texts

Anyone who writes and publishes texts on the Internet should think carefully about the structure . However, it is not just about headings and hierarchy (which I will come to later), but also about the reader’s search intent . If you want to appeal to a lot of people with your blog posts, you nee a rough overview of what your readers are accurate mobile phone number list actually intereste in . Or which terms are frequently searche for in search engines .

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Target group analysis

Your own target group plays a major role when writing texts . However, this is underestimate by many bloggers. To put it Khuraafaadka SEO ee laga yaabo inay dib u hayaan ganacsigaaga simply, it is counterproductive to take up certain topics that your visitors are not intereste in. You would then be wasting resources because your posts do ao lists not appeal to the people you want to reach. This in turn can influence your content strategy and, in case of doubt, even lead to you earning less money with your blog.

Do I have to pay taxes on my income?
Yes, blog income is always taxable. However, up to a certain profit limit, no taxes are payable. Nevertheless, it is advisable to include the income in your tax return and make it available to the relevant tax office. Especially since all invoices must also contain a tax number; this is require by law and must be adhered to.

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