One of the most dramatic stories came

One of the most dramatic stories came from a photo of a nursing home resident in about four feet of water. The photo was posted by the family of the nursing home owner in hopes of getting help. They got it. Then there were the local government professionals across the state who have spent much of the past five days holed up in emergency operations centers, sleeping in their cars, and drinking more coffee than humanly recommended.

These are the people who make

The rest of us proud to be public servants. Victoria, Texas, is about 30 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico. After making landfall, Harvey appeared to hang over Victoria for 12 hours or more before it began to meander south. My colleagues in Victoria, OC Garza and Jennifer Sourdellia, said Facebook interactions were key to local communication.

During the time they reported low usage of their site,

Their Facebook posts had 126,697 interactions and gcash phone number reached 679,473 people. Victoria is a city of about 63,000. The OC said the decision to choose an official communication platform, in this case Facebook, was key. Corpus Christi, west of Rockport, was ground zero for the hurricane’s landfall Friday night.

special data

Communications Director Kim Womack said

teamwork is critical, always have sign language why move the site to a secure interpreters at press conferences and know your chain of command. It’s critical to have someone around to sign off on the release of information and for elected officials to have a point of contact. Kim stayed at the Corpus Chr tg data isti Emergency Operations Center after getting her husband and children to higher ground.

Then, to top it all off, the White House

Seabrook is located south of downtown Houston near the Johnson Space Center. LeaAnn Dearman said Facebook and Twitter are important, but the vast majority of residents get information through the NextDoor social media network. LeaAnn also said she finds it necessary to be strategic about responding to individual messages. Especially if a small communications company like Seabrook can’t respond to all messages.

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