How to improve your natural referencing (SEO) with synonyms?

In the past, search engine algorithms had a poor understanding of synonyms. To hope to have a better SEO on SERPs, it was necessary to use and reuse the same keywords without resorting to variations.

And SEOs understood it well: using synonyms in content reduced the recurrence of main keywords and hindered SEO. At the time, if you wanted to reference a page on the keyword “  web writing agency  ”, you had to repeat it as much as possible in the content and avoid synonymous keywords like “  editorial content agency  ” or “  content marketing agency  ”.

But that’s a thing of the past, because phone number library search engines have evolved a lot today. Thanks to machine learning and their constant updates, they are now able to understand words through their context, which allows them to offer identical search results when the queries are synonyms.

The question now is “  how to improve your SEO by using synonyms?  ” We reveal 3 tips to you!

1) Collect a list of synonyms corresponding to the main keyword


phone number library

As you will have understood, over-optimizing content with a single keyword is no longer the strategy to adopt to improve your SEO . Especially since this practice risks exposing you to penalties.

List relevant synonyms from your main keyword.

For example, if you are writing a blog post on “  what are the outsourcing rates in Madagascar?  ”, you can create an inventory of synonyms from the following terms:

Rates  : costs, prices, budget, estimate…



subcontracting, offshore, outsourcing…

By putting these words levin dreame ak tineco toujou gen anpil together, you will get several possibilities.

Then scatter the keywords found beb directory throughout the text and place them in the places where you would place your main keywords, that is to say in the hot zones ( Title, H1, H2, H3, chapô, paragraphs… ).

Important  : Using synonyms is important in SEO content writing , but it is still necessary to prioritize the main keyword.

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