Develop a plan B in case of a sudden collapse

Anything can go wrong. You need to be clear about what actions you will take in the worst of times. Agree with your employees, partners, contractors, suppliers while still on the shore, so that they too are ready for plan B and this does not become a tragic surprise for them.

Oleksiy Mamontov, head of the RRS department

It’s time to review the offer for new hong kong phone number data customers and differentiate yourself from the competition. How to do it quickly? Evaluate and analyze a couple of offers from the same market players and develop your action plan. There is not much time, so you need to act today.

Updated 2024 Mobile Phone Number Data

How to be specialists who are locked at home? What to read, watch to develop at home.

The whole offline has “frozen”, people sit and writing online for users and google: 5 golden rules work at home, but life still goes on – the demand for certain groups of goods has not fallen, but even increased. And if you are the owner of an online store, I strongly recommend paying attention to product campaigns (if you don’t have them set up yet). Such advertising allows you to stand out among competitors and win new customers.

First, all our Internet marketers are tasked with working with current customers and their accounts as carefully and effectively as possible. Immerse yourself, delve into the details, be constantly in touch, both within the team and with the owners of the sites. We really want to help those who can really develop in the current conditions.

Secondly, move away from the pattern of your actions, expand your thinking. Especially since now all doors are open for this, what is the price of the “Papa Brandu” course by Andrii Fedoriv, ​​which is available today for free (its usual price is around $200-500).

How to use the crisis as an opportunity for business?

A crisis is an opportunity to pump aleart news ABM (account based marketing). Focus only on the most targeted customers, surround them with attention and care, bring them maximum benefit.

The ability to look at your metrics from the point of view of business indicators, and not just clicks and CTR: learn to correctly count ROMI, CAC and LTV, introduce NPS into yourself; cut off the excess and leave only those sources of traffic that will support the company’s turnover. And at the same time cut off everything that brings losses.

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