Complete Explanation of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Galuh University and its Costs

Health Sciences is one of the fields of science that is always developing and will never be lost in time. Because all humans need health. It is not surprising that the Faculty of Health Sciences is still one of the favorites for prospective new students to continue their studies, including you.

The following is an explanation of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Galuh University which can be your recommendation for studying.

Getting to know Galuh University
Galuh University is one of the private universities located in Ciamis Regency, precisely on Jalan RE Martadinata number 150 Ciamis 46274, West Java. This university is the result of a merger of several universities in Ciamis in April 1998. These universities are the Galuh Teacher Training and Education College, Galuh Law College, Galuh Economics College, and Galuh Political Science College.

The vision of Galuh University is to become

A leading university with a global outlook by 2045. Meanwhile, its mission is:

To organize technology-based education to improve the quality of internal management of higher education institutions and in turn will improve the image of the institution in the eyes of stakeholders.

To organize technology-based education to produce superior graduates with a global outlook

Getting to Know the Faculty of Health Sciences, Galuh University
The Faculty of Health Sciences is one of the faculties born from the merger of 5 private colleges within the Galuh Education Foundation in Ciamis, which is now known as Galuh University in Ciamis. This faculty is under the Galuh Ciamis Education buy telemarketing data Foundation which was established based on the Notary Deed of the Galuh Ciamis Education Foundation Number 49 of 1977 in conjunction with. Number 18 of 1995.

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Galuh University, received an operating permit from the Ministry of National Education through Decree Number 929/D/T/2007, concerning the operation of the Faculty of Health Sciences., regarding the implementation of the Midwifery Study Program (D3) and the recommendation of the Central Management of PPNI no 059/PP.PPNI/K/I/2007 and the recommendation of BPPSDM Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number HK., regarding the implementation of the Nursing Study Program (S1).

The existence of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Galuh University, received approval and full support from the Ciamis Regency government, the Ciamis Regency Health Office, and the West Java Provincial Health Office.

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The vision of this faculty is to become a superior Health Faculty that prioritizes community-based health and is globally competitive by 2030. Meanwhile, its mission includes:

Implementing innovative education and teaching

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Conducting cooperation both domestically much more efficient than conventional hardware and abroad in the field of the tri dharma of higher education

Improving the quality of human resources, both educators and education personnel so that they are able to be globally competitive

Improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure to support the education process

In the initial stage, the UNIGAL Faculty tongliao phone number list of. Health Sciences opened 2 Study Programs, namely the Midwifery Study Program (D3) and Nursing (S1). Over time, this faculty also received permission to organize Nursing Professional Education.

Career Prospects for Graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Galuh University
1. Nurses
The career prospects for graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences, especially Nursing, are to become a nurse. Both diploma and bachelor’s degrees in nursing do not only have the opportunity to become nurses in hospitals. The job prospects themselves are very broad.

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