In this way with a careful and constant

By assigning more and more value to your marketing activities on the different channels you have available,  you will be able to monitor the performance that each campaign will have on each channel us , so that you can then launch all the campaigns in the channels that have proven to be most effective and at lower prices.

Optimizing marketing communications in an omnichannel perspective ruces costs . In fact, using the CDP to monitor the dynamic movements of consumers will lead you to plan a  better customer experience , allowing you to respond to customer nes in real time, exactly where and when they ne it.

What is the ROI of a customer data platform (CDP)?

Wondering what the ROI of investing in customer data platforms (CDPs) is? It’s an important question, especially when you consider that organizations have already invest significant amounts of money in marketing technologies dicat to this function.

Let’s start by saying that there are many tools and instruments on the market that can perform some profiling and automation tasks  whatsapp data in the marketing sector. All these tools are valid but offer partial performance and do not allow a general view of the processes and channels activat.

Using a CDP will allow you to manage

whatsapp data

Multiple strategies and multiple channels through a single solution, which will skyrocket your ROI.

In this platform all the data and information coming from different sources, internal and external to the company, will converge. This data  by lists ill be integrat and analyz to return a global vision of the marketing strategy.

Just like in an advanc CRM (customer relationship management) , profiles will be creat for each user, keeping track of all interactions  manomàna fandoavana tsy tapaka with the brand, in different channels . A single tool to monitor all sources, to identify the best performing aspects and the elements to improve.

Evaluation of the aspects that emerge, it is possible to maximize the value of each contact and increase the chances of retaining them over time .

To calculate the ROI of the CDP, it is necessary to identify the reference metrics and KPIs . Some values ​​that can help quantify the success of the investment are the growth in the number of loyal customers who have repeat the purchase, the lengthening of the average life of the customer and the increase in upselling and cross-selling activities .

Operational savings relat to a more fluid management of business flows, inside and outside the marketing department, are also factors to be evaluat in the ROI. 

But to get the most out of a CDP, you ne to start by defining the strategy.

How to get the most out of a customer data platform (CDP): define the right strategies

A customer data platform (CDP) alone will not generate benefits. You may decide to use it to advance a single initiative or multiple future plans for your business; but keep in mind that in the process of developing strategies and objectives, you must be aware of all the options you can consider, including the support that the CDP can provide to your team.

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