How to Improve the Conversion Rate of an Ecommerce

Have you seen the movie “Hitch”? In it, Hitch (Will Smith) advises the lover Albert Brennaman (Kevin James) on the art of seduction. A charming guy who has a lot to offer, but who is somewhat clumsy when it comes to conquering his beloved. You may be thinking “what does that have to do with improving the Conversion Rate of my ecommerce?” Well, there is a certain parallel, think about it. You think you have what your client needs: Good products, a cool store, the best service… but you can’t convince them and that makes you desperate! Well, here we are going to try to give you some guidelines on how to seduce your clients. Or, expressed in bland technical jargon: How to improve your Conversion Rate.


To satisfy your curiosity, I will tell you that the most reliable studies that have been done referring to Spanish online stores say that the average conversion rate of ecommerce in Spain is around 1%. But to make it clear how the details affect, note that if we talk about a beauty . However, in a fashion store, it would be around 0.40%. In summary, the average ecommerce conversion rate varies greatly depending on a number of factors . If you want to go deeper into this, we can tell you that of the studies we have compared, the best is Ecuador Mobile Number Database undoubtedly that of Flat 101, who have done a job to take their hats off. What we all want is to increase turnover to increase profit. To do this, we can choose to take steps to improve traffic, or to improve conversion .

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Before going with the elements with which we can improve conversion, let’s learn a little more about traffic. If you already know what it is and its types, go to the next section “Aspects to optimize to improve the Conversion Rate”. There are different types of traffic, and they are classified depending on their origin: Brand Traffic . It is the one that India Phone Number List comes to you directly, when someone who knows your brand types it into their browser. It could be someone who has already been a customer of yours or someone who has heard of your brand. There is a great marketing effort behind it and, why not say it, an economic one. And it is not something that can be achieved in two days. Organic Traffic .

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