Full wrap labeling for refrigerated products

2020 was a year marke by the pandemic. Which  essential and the refrigerated products value chains were not well set up. Entering the topic of packaging. A clear year was a significant increase in the use of information technologies for packaging machinery. Many companies that never worrie about. Their machines being connecte realize that it was a necessity. Today they demand technologies to be able to monitor. Their machinery remotely and predict maintenance or possible failures. In this context, where is the market going? First in Mexico is importe and 12% is locally produce.  

Evolution of the packaging machinery market

A very important variable for the packaging machinery market is the sales of self-service refrigerated products  stores. According to the indicator. the National Association of Self-Service the grocery and perishable supermarket category grew 3.7% in total stores and 0.1% in same stores. It is know that there are three countries that lead. The provision of packaging machines to Mexico, Germany, Italy and the Unite States. In recent years there have bee changes in position. The Unite States  the largest, in others Industry Email List it  bee Germany or Italy. In 2020, Germany regaine the leadership it had lost against Italy.. Its participation, moving away from the two great leaders.

Main industries with demand for machinery

In recent years, the beverage industry had been the one that demande the most packaging machinery . . In 2020, it was refrigerated products the one that importe.  Tobacco and medical device, electronics  increase their demand for packaging machinery. The beverage industry occupies second place. After the food industry with an 18% share. The beverage sector’s market share fell by 12%, compare to 2018. . The positive thing is that the demand for Mexican beer .  The brewing industry continues to CZ Leads invest in packaging machinery. Machinery and production line Tobacco and medical device,  their demand for packaging machinery.

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