How to create questions to qualify leads using

Companies that sell their products or services to other companies, that is, B2B, and have a more complex or consultative sale that requires a diagnosis or personalized service. Know the importance of not wasting their salespeople’s time.

Sales teams that offer solutions with a slightly longer sales cycle, several negotiation phases, or even work with a higher average ticket. Need to optimize time with customers within the ideal profile to purchase their product/service.

Having a lot of leads is not synonymous with having a lot of sales. There is no point in having thousands of contacts in your database and filling your CRM with leads that are not qualified.

For a contact to be considered an opportunity and thus be sent qualify leads to the sales department in an intelligent way to close the sale. The lead must be in accordance with your ICP.

In this article, we will teach you how to define good questions for you to qualify in Bitrix24 . Thus send your salespeople the contacts with the greatest potential to become customers of your business.

Why use a CRM to qualify leads?

Not every lead is ready to buy your product or service, wants to talk to a salesperson, or has the right profile for your business.

A well-built sales process uses a CRM fed with qualified leads that come from marketing.

This makes the sales team much more productive and increases sales, as they only work with contacts who are more ready to buy.

>> Read also: Lead qualification: how not to waste your sales team’s time

A lead should only go to the CRM when it is qualify leads to be approached by sales, whether they are SDRs (pre-sales) or directly to sales, depending on your business strategy.

At this stage, it is important to identify the pain points, problems, desires and relevant information to identify whether the lead fits with your business’s ICP.

When we have greater control over the leads generated, nurtured and qualified, CRM becomes an optimized tool to focus on the most important thing: transforming opportunities into sales.

In addition to having greater clarity about which contacts to prioritize. The salesperson will have greater control over the sales funnel and follow-up tasks. This means that managers will have greater assertiveness when analyzing important metrics and data.

Qualifying leads in

Converting leads into customers shows the quality of your marketing and sales team’s efforts, and reveals which actions bring the most results.

Having this management within will facilitate your sales process with more accurate reports and analyses when monitoring stages of your funnel and sales conversion.

To classify a lead as an opportunity, it needs to answer qualify leads questions. Below, you will see some tips for constructing the questions and learn how to create them in Bitrix24.

To get started, access the platform, click on CRM in the menu on the left and then click on Leads.

There are several types of fields. To create the filter, we suggest that you use the list type field. As it allows your sales representative to select pre-established options when talking to the lead.

If you are setting up a segment field, for example. You can customize the list according to the segmentation of companies that your business usually serves:

General services
Financial services
Technology, etc.
It is very important that you create the list in a targeted manner, so that it does not become too large or too comprehensive. Remember: whether inbound or outbound, the prospecting asia mobile number list must be targeted and filters serve to make the sales team’s day-to-day easier.


Rules for creating fields:

Required by status: we recommend that you select “not in all statuses” initially. From the moment you are going to set it as qualified, we suggest that this field be required as mandatory. This will make it easier for your team, who, when they need to place the lead in this qualification phase, already have these qualification fields (filters) filled in.
Multiple: Check this option if the seller needs to select more than one field from the list.
Always show: leaving this rule selected will marketing market changes that can affect your brand qualify leads even if the field is empty (no information).
Make this field visible only to selected users: select this rule if you want to work with some type of viewing permission. Remember that this information can be used by several people, from those who will deliver the product or service. Those who have access to the funnel/lead registration, and so on. Therefore, it is important to think about permissions.

You can create multiple filter sections or qualifying questions grouped by certain types.

Here at Br24, we work with a very robust level of detail and structuring.

We apply a general filter where we ask questions like:

Which market do you operate in?
Which segment of the company?
Function/position that the lead occupies
Department you work in
Is the lead a decision maker or an influencer? (understand the lead profile)
Number of employees by range (e.g. 500 to 1,000 employees)
Specific number of employees (e.g. 150 employees)

We also have filters dedicated to specific areas, for example:

Our salesperson is talking to a sales manager who has a very specific aleart news CRM pain point. Here, we can now do a much more assertive filter, with more specific questions, such as:

Does the lead already use CRM?
Does the company have pre-sales?
How many salespeople does he have on his sales team?
We can have more than one section with different types of qualifying questions that help understand whether or not the company has an opportunity with that lead.

Another option we have is to use the Bitrix24 scoring algorithm to find out the temperature of the lead : whether it is cold, lukewarm, very hot, etc. This way, we can identify how close the lead is to receiving contact from the sales team. As well as what the chances of closing the sale are.

Create your Bitrix24 account and qualify your leads intelligently

When we don’t qualify leads properly, we end up generating bad opportunities for the sales team. Companies that are able to grow and scale their business are those that have well-structured processes and that use CRM in an optimized way.

If you are just starting out in this process, keep in mind that the most important thing is to start somewhere. Reach the first level of maturity and then reach a more robust level. Like the one we use here at Br24. As well as many of our clients who already have a mature sales experience and use Bitrix24 as a tool.

The success of the sales process depends on CRM, which depends on a sales process, that is, it is a cycle.

Understanding all the details and processes and applying them to CRM can seem challenging for those who are just starting out in business management. Therefore, paying attention to some details is essential, as is having the help of experts.


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