SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said 2023

Did you know that to enter UIN Raden Mas Said you no longer have to go through SNMPTN? But SNBP. The SNBP pathway replaces SNMPTN where prospective students are emphasized to have holistic and cross-disciplinary competencies.

For that reason, this achievement-based selection was born.

So what is SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said like? What are the requirements? Here is a complete explanation!

What is SNBP UIN Raden Mas SNBP?

SNBP focuses on providing high awards for comprehensive learning success in secondary education. . This aims to encourage students to explore their interests and talents in more depth.

The School and Student Database or abbreviated as PDSS is a database containing a track record of school performance and the report card scores of students who are eligible to register. In other words, PDSS is a database containing a track record of school performance and report card scores of eligible students who register.

PDSS accommodates the 2006 National Curriculum KTSP and the 2013 Curriculum (Package System and SKS).

For the same academic year and level, PDSS accommodates differences in curriculum between odd and even semesters.

The following are the provisions for choosing a study program in SNBP:

Every student from the Natural Sciences, Social buy telemarketing data Sciences or Language majors is allowed to choose a study program at a State University
Each student can choose two study programs from one State University or two State Universities
If choosing two study programs, one must be at a State University in the same province as their SMA/MA/SMK of origin. If choosing one study program, they can choose a State University in any province.
PDSS SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said

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Requirements for Participants and Schools of SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said

1. School Requirements
SMA/MA/SMK that have NPSN.
Accreditation Requirements:
– Accreditation C and others: top 5% in their school
Fill in the School and Student Database (PDSS).

2. Participant Requirements

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Final year SMA/MA/SMK students (grade 12) in 2023 who have superior achievements:

Provisions for Ranking SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said
SNBP UIN Raden Mas Said or are called develop packages focused on your service offering or expertise eligible students according to the average ranking of subject scores from semesters one to five.

For students who are declared eligible

they can take advantage of the 2023 UIN Raden Mas Said SNBP pathway as a door to their dreams of getting a seat at university.

Then what are the provisions for student ranking cl lists carried out by the school? Here are the provisions:

The average score of all subjects from semester 1 to semester 5.
The school can add other criteria in the form of academic achievement in determining student rankings if there are the same scores.
The number of students included in the ranking is in accordance with the provisions of the school accreditation quota.
UIN Raden Mas Said SNBP Portfolio
In order for you to pass the UIN Raden Mas Said SNBP, there is a portfolio that you must fulfill. This portfolio is a record that shows your achievements in a particular field which will be one of the SN assessments.

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