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Choosing a major in the current era will feel more difficult than before, because now there are many majors in all fields, making prospective students feel confused about choosing a major. However, for prospective students who are interested in foreign languages, there is a major that seems to be suitable, namely the English language education major.

Nowadays, the use of English in everyday life is certainly commonplace. Moreover, English is very necessary to be able to communicate between countries. Seeing the importance of the role of English as a mandatory skill in today’s era, it is not surprising that many people are interested in the English language education major.

However, before choosing an English language education major, of course you are asking what kind of courses will be studied and do you have to be good at English before entering the English language education major?

What is the English Education Department?

English language education study program or major is one of the majors in a university where almost all the courses are about English language teaching. Therefore, this study program is very suitable for those of you who have aspirations to be teachers.

In the English language education department, students will usually study various

types of tenses. For example, simple past tense (talking about the past), simple present tense (talking about the present), and simple future tense (talking about the future). All of these tenses are basic lessons that we usually find when studying in Elementary School (SD) or Junior High School (SMP).

In addition, other forms of sentences, such as expressing intention . Not only making sentences, but there are also effective ways to read English to make it easier to pronounce every word and sentence in English. English will be easy to use, if practiced every day.

Well , in the English language education department, usually there will be several courses that require students to use English.

Courses and Lectures in the English Language Education Department

So that you have a better idea about the English language education major, here are the courses that are usually studied:

  1. Speaking of Everyday Communication
  2. Literal Reading
  3. Basic English Grammar
  4. Literal Listening
  5. Speaking for Group Activities
  6. Interpretive and Effective Reading
  7. Intermediate English Grammar
  8. Interpretive Listening
  9. ICT Language Learning and Presentation
  10. Educational Psychology
  11. Advanced Listening
  12. Paragraph Writing
  13. Speaking for Formal Setting
  14. Critical Reading
  15. Essay Writing
  16. Sociolinguistics
  17. Teaching English to Young Learners
  18. English Phonetics and Phonology
  19. Business English
  20. Principles of Language Learnings
  21. Basic Poetry
  22. Language Learning Assessment
  23. English Morphology and Syntax
  24. Education Management
  25. Semantics and Pragmatics
  26. English Curriculum and Instructional Plan
  27. Micro Teaching
  28. Instructional Material and Development

Reasons for Choosing English Education Major

One of the reasons for choosing an Engl database shop ish education major is the broad job prospects. This is because starting from elementary school, junior high school, high school and in college, English is required in its curriculum so that career opportunities as an English educator are quite large. You can also work in various private companies such as airports, train stations, to ports are some examples of companies engaged in transportation that you can enter.

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In addition, you can also open an English language course institution, become a freelance freelance translator , become a local guide (tour guide), and make it easier for those of you who want to continue your scholarship studies with one of the top 10 marketing and advertising agencies in chicago, illinois  main competencies being English. With English, you can communicate with anyone. This means that English language skills can provide career opportunities not only in Indonesia, but also in the international arena.

Job Prospects for English Education Majors

As explained above, English education graduates do not always have to teach. Here are the job prospects for English education majors that you can explore:

1. Journalist

A career in media or journalism is not impossible for graduates of English education majors. Because in this major, you will not only learn about teaching English to others. You will also learn to write well and correctly using English and Indonesian.

In addition, your critical thinking skills and analytical skills will also be trained in this department by analyzing students’ learning needs. Knowledge and skills like this are very much needed if you want to have a career in this field.

That way, you can find out the core of a problem and convey it objectively to the public. In this field, you can have a career as a reporter, journalist, news writer, and content writer .

2. Diplomat

Good active English skills can support you to become a diplomat, you know . Diplomacy is one of the job prospects for graduates of this major that has very large opportunities. A diplomat is tasked with representing the country to conduct diplomacy. In addition to good English skills, a diplomat must be able to negotiate well.

3. Linguists

English Education is identical to linguistics or language. In linguistics courses, students will learn from morphemes, phonemes, word formation, sentences, to discourse. This can certainly be a provision for graduates of the English Education department to become a linguist.

Campuses with the Best English Education Departments

If you are sure and starting to be intereste aolemaillist d in choosing this major, here are recommendations for campuses with the best English language education majors:

1. Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta (UMBY)

Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta (UMBY) has excellence in education and teaching, research and community service nationally and internationally. The English Language Education Study Program (PBI) Strata 1 Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta (UMBY) has successfully achieved B accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. The accreditation is considered to be proof of structured education as well as an effort to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the English language education department of UMBY.

Moreover, UMBY’s English education department prepares graduates who are ready to work in the field of English teaching at all levels of learning.

More information here .

Also read: Want to Study at Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta? Check Out the Full Profile Here!

2. Semarang State University (UNNES)

English education department of UNNES has been established since 1998. Now, the English Literature Study Program is part of the English Language and Literature Department under the Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts, Semarang State University. English education department of UNNES has advantages in the field of human resources of lecturers who have Master and Doctoral degrees from within and outside the country.

This study program has a competency-based and conservation curriculum. In addition, the UNNES English education department always follows the development of the latest English learning models. In terms of developing student potential and also having various extracurricular activities that provide opportunities for self-development for students to become professional English teachers and become English practitioners in various institutions.

More information here .

Studying in English Education Department with Danacita

Good news for those of you who want to take English education majors at Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta (UMBY) or Semarang State University (UNNES). Currently, Danacita and UMBY and UNNES have collaborated to make it easier for you to achieve your dreams.

Danacita itself is a financial technologyn in Indonesia through gradual higher education financing for students, college students and professionals.

The requirements for applying for installments are very easy, you only need to submit several supporting documents such as KTP or identity card, a photo of yourself, and a pay slip or account statement for the last 1 month for those who have a steady income.

In addition to UMBY and UNNES, Danacita has also officially collaborated with more than 130 educational institutions throughout Indonesia. The process is also fast and easy online with a maximum of 2 working days without being charged a DP, security deposit or other fees.

Danacita is also safe, because it is licensed and supervised by OJK and is ISO 27001 certified. For more

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