How to find videos and movie shows in search

To do this, you need to use the movie: operator. With its help, you can quickly find information about movies and learn more about the plots, actors, etc. For example, the request movie:Inception will return data about the movie “Inception”, including its rating, a short description, and critic reviews.

Search for weather forecast

To find out the weather, use the special database weather: command. For example, the query weather: London will display the current weather and forecast for London, including temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological conditions.

How to view prices on specific exchanges via search

special database

To do this, you need to use the stocks: command. This operator is useful for investors and traders who want to quickly get up-to-date information about the stock market and track changes in stock prices. Let’s say you are interested in the current price and dynamics of Apple In shares. Enter the stocks:AAPL command in the search bar.

How to find the definition of a word

To quickly find the meaning of words and concepts, use define:. For example, the query define:artificial intelligence will return the definition of the term “artificial intelligence”.

Search for a specific format

To search for specialized getting started guide to seo for a new website  information, use the filetype: command, which limits the search to files of a specific type. For example, filetype:pdf machine learning algorithms will find PDF documents about machine learning algorithms.

Search pages with phrases separated by a certain number of words

The search engine operator AROUND(X) is aqb directory used for this. It is especially useful when you want to find related concepts that are often mentioned near each other in context, but not necessarily in close proximity. The smaller the X number, the closer the words should be in the text, and vice versa.

For example, the query artificial intelligence AROUND(3) ethics will return pages where the words “artificial intelligence” and “ethics” are within three words of each other. This may be useful when the context of the terms’ interactions is important.

Find a page that contains a specific word in the text

To find a specific word or phrase in the body text of a page only, ignoring titles, URLs, and metadata, use the intext: command. For example, intext:machine learning programming tutorials will find pages where the phrase machine learning appears in the body text, but not in the title or meta description.

Using different Google search operators at the same time can narrow your search even further. For example, site:edu intext:climate change research will find academic articles on educational sites that focus on climate change research.

Search for pages containing specific phrases

In this case, the allintext: operator is used. Unlike intext:, where you can search for one or more words, all words must be present. For example, the query allintext: python pandas data analysis will find pages where the words python, pandas, and data analysis appear in the body text. This operator is useful for more precise searching when you want all keywords to be on a page.

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