Where do you find your ideal client? Here I tell you!

To create the profile of your ideal customer , it is important to ask yourself where they spend the most time, who they meet with, and where they meet. This data will give you the key to creating the profile of your target audience. 

Therefore, you must be detailed in this task, you must be very specific in order to get to know your client and their tastes in depth. Below, I will show you how to do it without complicating the matter. Join me!

The secret is in defining your ideal client 

Identifying your ideal client will help you a lot to be able to offer them what they like and need . For this reason, it is necessary to make a list of your target audience ‘s activities , both online and offline. 

Don’t miss the details, because this will define your message and strategy to follow. 

So, to be successful in this task, don’t just azerbaijan bulk telegram message sender settle for thinking, for example, about what happens when you spend your time on social network X. The truth is that this is very general and will do little to help you with what you are looking for.

On the other hand, if you go further and discover that this client, in addition to spending time on that particular social network, is a follower of accounts such as: “Mom undertakes”, you will specifically understand the action that this client is taking on that platform. 

Another example

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 Would be having a prospect who likes outdoor spaces and sticking with that. You have to expand that data and get to a more detailed level, like this:

My client loves outer space, so he goes to the park to play with his son every Saturday. 

Another case could be that my ideal client likes to read blogs. But that alone is not enough. If you take it further, then you realize that the blogs he likes to follow or read are those for children or those that have to do with childhood. 

What you achieve with this action is simple, but powerful: Knowing your ideal client very well .

How to win over your ideal client?

The design of your sales message and b2b fax lead strategy will largely depend on how much knowledge you have about your target audience.

Because this is very simple: if you know what they like and need, you can offer your product or service speaking their language and on the channels they use most. This is what will help you capture their attention and preference. 

In addition, you will be able to better target positioning tactics, the type of marketing, the channel to use for it or what tone to use; you will be able to define everything much better with all this data. 

Because, think about it, it is not the same to use a calm, slow tone for the night (relaxation mode), than an active, motivational tone for the morning or to speak in a language for young people than for older adults.

Means to reach your audience

Nowadays, there are many options for you to reach your audience, but as we have been saying, it all depends on where your ideal client spends the most time and where they consume the most information. These can range from social media to TV, radio or park ads, through billboards or newspapers.

The scope of these actions will be subject to your knowledge and understanding of that target customer.

Answering simple questions is a good starting point

A great way to get to know your client better is to answer simple questions like:

  • How old are you?
  • What gender are you looking for?
  • Where do you spend the most time?
  • Who is accompanying him?
  • What are your favorite groups?
  • What tone does he speak in?
  • Where you live?
  • What are your problems?
  • What do you dream about?

And you can add more and more questions to this list, which are very specific and which help you to know everything or almost everything about this client who, for you, is the perfect one to use your product or services. 

Do you want to keep learning? Find more tools in my book: Double Sales with Digital Marketing or contact me and together with my team I will help you create a winning marketing strategy for your business.

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