The secret to successful sales: an automated system

Every digital business must create a strong and effective online presence to achieve its main objective: selling .

Therefore, month by month it is necessary to establish tactics that allow you to reach that goal. However, in this work it is possible that certain errors are made that can stop growth because the necessary conversions are not generated 

Join me today to analyze a new concept, but now, closer and more psychological about some topics that have to do with this and how to increase sales in your digital business, through an automated system .

Because sometimes we forget that the psychology of the seller is much more important than the specific action taken to sell.

Overcome the challenges of online sales

To begin with, it is necessary to understand that in the work of online sales and positioning there are several challenges that must be resolved:

  1. A small database: If you are just starting out, your list of prospects may not be large enough to be able to call or contact them to offer your services. This, without a doubt, limits you.
  2. Low traffic on your website or sales channels: Not enough people are coming to your website. Therefore, not many customers are viewing your product or services.
  3. Low conversion: Not many people are buying from your site. This could be due to the product, service or offer.

At this stage, many managers or bangladesh Bulk telegram message sender business owners tell me: “Osvaldo, I don’t have enough people coming into my business. Can you help me with that?”

And that’s because they spend most  of their time looking for the latest trick or “the most effective action” to appear in the first position on Google, or to make that viral post that everyone will talk about later, or to post X number of times on social networks. But, although they generate interactions, they do not manage to increase sales.

When we analyze it we realize that these businesses do not have a traffic problem, what they really have is a conversion problem .

Web Traffic and Conversion: Key Elements

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Nowadays, traffic is an easy commodity to get. That is, like going to the supermarket and buying milk and eggs. Very cheap.

Google has 3.5 billion daily active users and Facebook has 2.9 billion daily active users, which means it’s easy to get into. You can pay for ads for as many days as you want and that will definitely bring in the traffic you need. Not so with conversions.

If your problem, like theirs, is that you are not generating the necessary sales, you must draw up a plan that allows you to search for new clients in an automated way, because you do not want to be working 70 or 80 hours a week to try to increase your sales a little.

You need to think about how to create an automated system that will take care of finding you the right clients, 24/7. All the time.

What should this automated system look like?

A good automated system should ensure a return on investment , that you invest $1 and get back $3, $4 or even $200.

On the other hand, I want to make it jamaica mobile number database clear to you that if you cannot pay for a new client, you do not have a business. Let me explain why…

If you think that you will increase sales with referrals, organic traffic or partners, you are wrong. Because if you want to increase sales tomorrow or in three days, how would you do it?

Working like this doesn’t help you determine what you need to do to achieve growth, and that is precisely what you need.

That, in addition to being automated, this system is PREDICTABLE .

That’s because if you know how much a new customer costs you and you want to invest in it, you can predict how your business will grow.

According to this, the automated system must be:

  • Predictable: You can predict how your business will grow.
  • Repeatable: If you had a day with a lot of sales, you can find out at the end why it was so you can repeat it.
  • Scalable: You can continue to expand or advance as much as you want.

What you need to take into account to be successful with the automated system

A key task to hit the target is to b2b fax lead identify the key elements for it. For example:

  • Which channel will you use?
  • The cost of publishing on that channel.
  • What will be the budget to invest.
  • How many customers you want to attract and for how long.

Then, you need to establish, based on the metrics , how many customers were converted, how much the total investment was, and of course, the return on investment.

Once you have these details, it’s easier to predict growth, because you can buy as many customers as you want or as many as you can serve.

Don’t do this!

very common mistake is that sometimes more importance is given to a tactic or how much should be published per day on social networks, than to the point of conversion and how to solve it.

To do this, you have to evaluate whether the message being presented to the public is effective , the offer being made, and who this is being shared with.

In my opinion, this is a basic theme, which allows us to mark the beginning for developing the best strategies. Without the basics, tactics are useless.

If you want to continue learning, discover my book: “ Double Sales with Digital Marketing ” , more precise tools and advice to boost your business.

Or if you wish, I can help you with my team to create that automated system to generate more clients and take off in the market.

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