Boost your campaign and triple your online sales

If you are already running a sales campaign or are in the process, today I want to share with you a trick to triple your sales by making a slight change.
It is nothing new, but I assure you that it makes all the difference…

Ready? Let’s get started!

What happens in the marketing process?

Look at the image I share with you below and follow me.

Let’s say you have 100 people belgium bulk bulk telegram message sender who are interested in your product and those 100 people visit your website or check out information about what you sell.

Only 3% of them become potential  customers, this data is confirmed by market statistics.

That 3% is 3 opportunities you have to convert that prospect into a client; in the end, according to the analysis, you only manage to sell to 1.

So far, so good, this is the most common marketing process. Now, I’ll show you where to do the trick.

What is change?

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Again I invite you to look at the graph…

Now, you have the same 100 people interested in what you offer them, but ATTENTION, here comes the change, instead of selling to them directly, what you are going to do is offer them something of immediate value .

It can be an experience, some valuable content or a small gift related to your brand. You don’t have to spend a fortune on it, but this detail will increase your conversion chances by 25%.

It is likely that these 25 people you have recruited are not buying at the moment, but it will spark their curiosity and if they visit your page you have all those possibilities to sell more.

As long as the ball is on your side of the court, you have a better chance of winning, right?

If we use the same metric as in the previous example, your final sales will be at least 3.

The small big change…

This action is nothing out of the ordinary, the twist is in the way it is sold.

The strategy, in this case, should be more focused on attracting potential customers than on the sale itself. You know, most of us shy away from anything that sounds like a sale.

Avoid this mistake!

Many companies focus on speaking israel mobile phone numbers data to only 3% of the public because apparently these are the ones interested in what they offer, but they ignore the remaining
97% of the public.

In this 97% there are people who are just looking for information about that need, others who recognize that they have a problem and another good part who do not know what they need until it is presented to them.

Please DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE, do not forget to focus on all these people to launch your campaign, from here you can get your best clients.

Apply this simple but practical idea and give your campaign a twist. You will be surprised by the conversion results and you will be able to achieve your sales goal.

If you have any further questions b2c fax and need help applying this to your business, please contact me. I will give you the advice and tools you need to grow your company.

Download the Facebook Ads Budget Calculator Here

I can also guide you hrough my book: “Double Sales with Digital Marketing”, which contains the most valuable resources for you to succeed in whatever you undertake. Click here and get it right now!

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