What are the goals of affiliate marketing?

As you can imagine,    affiliate marketing offers benefits to all the actors involved. If the publisher can generate an income from this activity and the end customer has the advantage of purchasing useful products and services, which perhaps he would not have discovered without the publisher’s suggestions, the company can also obtain multiple advantages. Here are some:

Access to a wider audience :

Affiliate marketing  allows you to have an additional sales channel and, consequently, to intercept a wider audience than the one the brand could reach independently.

Consistency between context and promotional activity :

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if the promotional activity takes place within an authoritative channel (think of a widely followed blog, for example, which deals with topics related to the products/services managed by the company), the strategy will be more effective and credible than what could happen with traditional advertising.
  • Results-based payment : Since the company mga pautang sa pagpapalawak ng maliit na negosyo only pays the affiliate when they achieve the set goal, this is a low-risk strategy.
  • Low Costs and High ROI : In general, affiliate marketing costs are relatively low. This makes the return on investment high.
Affiliate marketing is a win-win solution because both the advertiser and the affiliate gain a benefit from this collaboration. Looking at this approach from the affiliate’s point of view, its main advantage is the opportunity to earn a profit without having to develop or manage a product or service directly.

The main types of affiliate marketing

As anticipated, depending on the company’s objectives, there are different payment formulas. Here are some:
  • Pay-Per-Sale : The company pays the bh lists affiliate for each sale made through its promotional activity.
  • Pay-Per-Lead : the compensation is linked to the generation of qualified contacts, useful for creating sales. The required action, in this case, could be signing up for a newsletter.
  • Pay-Per-Click : Payment occurs each time a user clicks on the ad placed on the affiliate’s site.

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