All About Affiliate Marketing: What It Is and How It Works

Among the various opportunities that brands and companies can exploit to promote their products or services, there is also affiliate marketing. This is a tool that is becoming increasingly popular and that you should know about if you deal with the marketing of your company.

Affiliate marketing can

In fact be an opportunity to increase sales, attract new leads and potential customers by exploiting a system that has various advantages for both the company and the affiliate. We therefore wanted to dedicate an article to this super shop website design & development service topic to understand together the potential of this approach: let’s find out what affiliate marketing is, how it works, what its benefits are and where to start to put it into practice.

What is affiliate marketing?

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Affiliate marketing, or affiliate marketing, is a marketing activity based on performance . On one side, in fact, there is the advertiser, the entity that intends to promote its product or service and, on the other, the affiliate, that is, the figure who promotes it in exchange for a commission. This mechanism involves the insertion of specific links within the affiliate’s site or channels : if the user clicks on the link and performs the qu’est-ce que le positionnement seo ? desired action (often it is a purchase, but it can also be a different action, based on the company’s objectives) the affiliate receives a percentage. This is the reason why we talk about performance marketing.

 How Affiliate Marketing Works and Who Are the People Involved

Affiliate marketing is therefore a commercial agreement between the company and the affiliate . Let’s get to know all the actors involved better to understand, in more detail, how this strategy works:

  • The first actor is the advertiser , also called “advertiser” or “merchant”, terms which indicate the company that intends to promote its products/services thanks to the affiliate.
  • The second is the publisher , therefore the affiliate who is responsible for promoting the product/service in question. When he manages to make a sale or a conversion bh lists of another type, he gets a commission. Publishers can be influencers or content creators who manage a sector blog or a YouTube channel with a lot of followers, or who have a mailing list full of contacts, just to give a few examples.
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