A Smart Learner’s Guide To Japanese Dialects

.A.AOne of the biggest challenges you’ll likely face as you progress in.A learning Japanese is actually understanding native Japanese speakers, especially when they use different dialects.

A lot of the struggle just comes from encountering unfamiliar words and structures. Or from feeling like your brain can’t keep up with how fast a person is speaking.

However, Japanese dialects are an additional factor that can definitely throw a wrench into some conversations.

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What Are Dialects?

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Dialects are varieties of language. They are not  necessarily “informal” or fit a specific stereotype; rather, dialect is a word to describe different varieties of the same language.

Many dialects reflect a specific region of the country.A or the world, which is why you may have already encountered other dialects to your own depending upon where you.A currently live and what sort of Japanese you are studying.

Even standard Japanese is a dialect, although it is much more difficult to ascribe. A this particular form of speech to a certain area of the country.

Having a basic understanding of the most common. A dialects in Japanese will help you to understand more people more often so that you can level up your Japanese language skills.

Japanese Dialects vs. “Standard” Japanese

Standard Japanese is the typical dialect you the fuel for your business growth learn in Japanese language textbooks, and it’s what you will find being spoken on Japanese TV, in written correspondence from official sources, and for other formal busine.

The rise of standard Japanese

Was a result of the Japanese government attempting to.A create a common language following World War II. For this reason, speaking in .A regional dialects used to be heavily frowned upon.Nowadays, it is much more widely accepted and embraced, so you will still find regional varieties. A of dialects used all throughout Japan. While some remote locations.A will have dialects that are nearly unintelligible compared to standard modern Japanese, many dialects feature small quirks that make them easy to pick up and learn.

How Many Japanese Dialects Are There?

This isn’t an easy question to answer, as many aqb directory people claim there are as many dialects spoken in Japan as there are prefectures (regions of Japan). There are 47 prefectures in total which means there could easily be as many different Japanese dialects.

Here are the 47 different prefectures in Japan, which. A are grouped.A into eight separate regions, in case you’re interested:

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