3 levels to sell online and reach your target audience

How many times have you asked yourself what you have to do to sell more? or What do you have to say to boost your position in the market and beat the competition?

I know the automatic response will be: Many! Today I am going to teach you how to sell more and for that, we are going to use the famous example of the pen. 

With this, I will show you the 3 levels of sales that will be your starting point so that you can begin to better direct your sales messages. Will you join me in discovering them?

Come on!

The 3 levels to sell online are: 

  • Low
  • Half 
  • High

Let’s start with the low level . And here I’ll give you an example, let’s say you have a pen in your hand and you need to sell it. The low level is armenia bulk telegram message sender when you specifically talk about the features and benefits of the product. 

That is, you can list its features like this: it is white, it has metal parts, it is retractable, it works very well for writing with it all day long and it lasts for many hours of writing; this would be the general way of selling it.  

But, if we were to explore 

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The middle level, it would be to talk about the history or the use that this person gives to the product. 

If you are speaking to an audience that has a specific problem, for example, someone who needs to write, but in reverse (it could be an interior designer who needs to mark in different directions) to go a little further, you point out the problem they have and present the solution for it, which in this case would be a pen that also writes if held in the opposite direction.  

This is where the importance of knowing your ideal client lies , what they do, what their needs are, among others. Because it will allow an coherent image of the company you to understand their behavior, their dynamics and from that point you can better decipher their needs. 

Now, the last level, the highest, would be how Disney or Nike works , which instead of presenting the problem like the one I gave you above, it shows that frustration or the feeling related to that inconvenience with a real story, from daily life. 

Telling what happens, why it happens, when and why your product is the best will give you that advantage and that positioning in the mind of your potential buyer. The need to buy is triggered in them. 

How does this help you in your own online sales?

Applying this knowledge will give you a b2b fax lead huge boost in your niche market, because you will be able to determine how to reach your target audience and hit the point of need more easily than your competitors or break through and start gaining more ground. 

Remember, you can use any of these 3 levels to sell online, but if you want to go further and have your customers identify with and increasingly prefer your products, aim for the last level . Promote those stories that help them connect with the essence, values ​​and benefits of your product and you will see how your sales results begin to improve. 

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