So if people spend more time on

In the United States, the numbers aren’t much different: desktops convert at 3.99% while mobile devices convert at 1.22%. Looking at holiday conversion rates per device tells us even more about the difference in conversion across devices. For example, during the 2015 holiday season, 70% of the total conversions were made on a desktop. Only 20% were made on mobile devices. So if people spend more time on their phones, why do they convert so much more on desktops? What caused the gap in conversions? On average, the screen size of a mobile device is just 4.

While the typical screen

Size for a desktop is 15.6 inches. Correlation telegram data doesn’t always mean causation, but hypothetically, we can guess that this means that size does matter when it comes to screens and conversion rates. The percentage of conversions on mobile devices are most likely made on sites that are optimized for mobile devices because they will have the most ease of use for someone ordering on a smartphone.

Desktop conversions

telegram data

On the other hand, are higher than smartphones Thailand Phone Number perhaps because of the size of their screen being about three times larger. The next question we can ask is how desktops and mobile devices move their leads through the sales funnel, respectively. What does the conversion funnel look like for each device? When looking at the conversion funnel for both desktops and mobile devices, we can see clearly that mobile devices are used more for searching and not for purchasing.

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